Tuesday, November 24, 2009


going to get results in like 2days YAY ^^ you might think im crazy ba ;/ but i wish i could get my results now sia i just want to get it over .... >.< i was not worried at first but now ive been getting more worried lately so ive been trying to calm my self down and i just went to the Golden village to catch a movie with my friends ( and yes i have a social life =.=) with my neighbor and his school friends which is technically my friend cause i know them xD only 5ppl in total including me (me my neighbor: joshua :his friend : zi xiang : 2 other girls whom i dont know : si tong and mei yu i think not sure xD) we went to eat first as i was starving xD nvr eat breakfast lols i went to my neighbor's house first and we played his xbox 360 call of duty modern warfare 2 and then about 1.20 we finally went out =.= i went to the library when we reached northpoint first as i have an overdue book and i did not use my ez link card i use sf's ( ps im not going to pay her xD)and then we went to eat lols when we were going down the escalator we saw those two girls and friend say : dont look DONT LOOK : and he say the girls recognized us : CHIONG ar we ran in circles xD and finally took the lift and escaped and one of the girls keep spam calling my friend LOLS damn sad sia he and when we reached the food court we found them there already and only i and joshua ate lunch and even lunch we had fun LOLS the zi xiang was very hungry but didnt want to order food so when i ordered fish and chips he just took my fries and when he wanted a piece of my fish i ask him whether he was a dog lols then joshua went to order chicken rice ar got soup right he just take the soup and drink >.< sad hai

i will continue the story later not u will get bored reading this xD
so byebye for now xD

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